Welcome to the January devlog for Helms of Fury! This month we worked on break rooms, Kickstarter rewards, reorganized our project structure, and more updates & polish!
More Break Rooms
Here's a peek at a Challenge Room we worked on this month. If you can sneak past the goblins you get to see what's in the cart - but wake the goblins and the cart zooms off, leaving you with nothin...
Welcome to the December devlog for Helms of Fury! This year has been quite the adventure as we had some exciting developments with our game, got to chat with backers and fellow indie devs, and learned a lot in the process. Here's a look back at what happened in 2022!
January, February, March
We started the year off fixing bugs and gameplay issues we encountered during the Kickstarte...
Welcome to the November devlog for Helms of Fury! Over these past two months we worked on the boss in Ghost Spire Castle, new level exits using stairs, better naming for attunements, new website designs, and updates and polish to our combat and AI.
Boss of Ghost Spire CastleLast Halloween we shared an animated gif of one of our bosses, giving a spooky glimpse into the spirit realm. Thi...
Welcome to the September devlog for Helms of Fury! This month we worked on level exits, Kickstarter rewards, and updates & polish!
Level Exits
This month we tried some new ideas with how our level exits work. Before you would go through the same portal when travelling between stages and levels; now you take stairs when going between stages, and use themed portals when travelling t...
Welcome to the August devlog for Helms of Fury! This month we updated our game to the newly released Godot 3.5, worked on a depth system for 2D, and added new content to our starting portal room.
Godot 3.5
Helms of Fury was updated to Godot 3.5, which was released this month. This was an awesome release with a lot of improvements to the engine, many of which we worked to add into our ...
Welcome to the July devlog for Helms of Fury! This month we worked on adding new trap rooms, Kickstarter rewards, and gameplay improvements!
Trap RoomsWe added 11 new trap rooms that you might encounter during your play-through. These rooms contain new cannon traps that shoot bullets in a variety of sequences, which can divide
up a room and be tricky obstacles to pass through!
Welcome to the June devlog for Helms of Fury! This month we worked on improving our game with more bugfixes, polish, and content!
Brew a PotionA new Break Room has been added to the game that lets you brew a potion! Mix three drops of elixir into the cauldron, creating a special potion depending on your choices.
Level Polish
We continue to add more elements and polish to our g...
Welcome to the May devlog for Helms of Fury! This month we worked on the Skull Valley boss and elite enemies!
Here's a sneak peek of the boss from Skull Valley! This
crafty goblin is looking to put an end to the heroic knights as he races around the track in his cart. Loaded with explosive attacks, you will be under a constant barrage of barrels, bombs and things that explode!...
Welcome to the April devlog for Helms of Fury! This month we worked on scaling our game to multiple resolutions, the character select screen, start screen, loading screen, and customized controls.
Game Resolutions
One of the things we wanted to make sure we finished this month was scaling our game to multiple resolutions, all the way up to 4k. Being a pixel art game, just stretching the...
Welcome to the March devlog for Helms of Fury! This month we chatted
with backers about their design rewards, started implementing these
rewards, and worked on the char select process for the game.Planning Design Rewards
We started chatting with many people who choose design rewards for
Runes, Items and NPCs this month! Many of the ideas seem like they will
work great in Helms of Fur...
Welcome to our Helms of Fury devlog for February! This month we focused on
adding more content to the game; more abilities, more rooms, and more
things to find, discover and interact with during each run.More Abilities
Our Mecha Knight has bombs, turrets and gadgets they can find and use
during each run, and these all seem like fun abilities to use with..
fire! So we spent some time ...
Hey everyone! Welcome to our first Helms of Fury devlog, hope your
year is off to a great start! We got a few things to cover this month,
so let's jump right in! =)Kickstarter Surveys
First a quick reminder, we sent out Kickstarter Surveys in December
to help fulfill some Kickstarter rewards, such as which name you would
like in the game credits. If you haven't completed your survey...